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Client references

divider shaper atoupains foodland pasadena
Supermarket bakeries

Divider-shaper Atoupains

Supermarket chain "FOODLAND PASADENA", Australia

baguette tradition dough peces division divider shaper merand
Supermarket bakeries

Divider-shaper Atoupains

Hyper-Intermarket La Teste-De-Buch, France

baguette production half baguette automatic line bakery
Wholesale bakeries

FlexiLine 1.8 automatic bread line

Automatic line for baguettes and rolls FlexiLine 1.8 istalled at Obongoo, Rouen, France

ciabatta bread production hydraulic divider
Wholesale bakeries

Diva2 Div-X divider-shaper

Skychef Servair, Seychelles

automatic scoring machine dough pieces scarifier
Wholesale bakeries

FlexiLine 2.5 automatic bread line

Automatic line FlexiLine 2.5 installed at our client Khlebzavod N°3, Russia

Factory sabor de france laboratory rheopan merand bakery
Wholesale bakeries

RheoPan automatic bread line

Automatic line RheoPan installed at our client's SABOR de France in Brazil

bread rolls eccentric rounder moulder
Wholesale bakeries

RollerDual rounder-moulder

Industrial bakery Krusty Loaf, United Kingdom

automatic group baguette production
Wholesale bakeries

Armor ABS horizontal moulder, Div'X hydraulic divider and semi-automatic intermediate proofer

Industrial bakery Pains et Tradition, France

sandwich bread divider shaper
Multi-store craft bakeries

Press-shaper Atoupains

Fast food & snacking "Mad Furieusement Bon" in Rennes, France

Need more information?

+33 (0)2 99 04 15 30 Contact us

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