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bread in the baker blue bakery shop
Multi-store craft bakeries

Armor horizontal moulder

Multi-store bakery "Baker Bleu" in Australia

Stradivario automatic divider-shaper at the bakery Leo Lea
Multi-store craft bakeries

Stradivario automatic & connected divider-shaper

Concept of gourmet bistros Plate of Beef / Léo Léa restaurants, France

divider shaper horizontal moulder merand
Multi-store craft bakeries

Armor ABS horizontal moulder

Craft bakery Au pain de mon Grand Père, France

sandwich bread divider shaper
Multi-store craft bakeries

Press-shaper Atoupains

Fast food & snacking "Mad Furieusement Bon" in Rennes, France

baguette buns division divider shaper atoupains merand
Multi-store craft bakeries

Divider-shaper Atoupains

Craft bakery with several shops W.B.Samson, Oslo, Norway

Need more information?

+33 (0)2 99 04 15 30 Contact us

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