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FlexiLine 2.5 automatic line

Particularly suitable for the production of baguettes and rolls, this line can produce up to 2 500 baguettes/hour, for a daily production of about 50 000 baguettes.
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The FlexiLine 2.5 automatic bread line has an output of approximately 2 500 baguettes or loaves per hour.

It is recommended for use from 16 to 24 hours per day. The FlexLine 2.5 version is particularly suitable for the production of small loaves.

It has a particularly efficient dough piece centering system, the Top-Centering. The Top-Centering system measures the length of the pre-rolled dough pieces at the exit of the Macaform VE Industrie expansion chamber and positions the middle of the dough piece in the middle of the infeed belt into the moulder.

Different configurations are possible depending on the requirements. For example, the Proform shaper can be installed on an automatic net depositor of the I-Deposit or DF-Elevator type.

These automatic net feeders are equipped with a spreader system for the cut rolls so that they are separated before being fed into the net. The Mecaform expansion chamber can also be used to feed a second shaper (Kraft 2.5 for sandwich breads) or, more often, an eccentric rounder such as RotaBall or RollerDual.

The RollScoup option cuts baguettes into 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 sizes for regular production of rolls.


Production of the buns (1/5 of baguette) on the FlexiLine 2.5 automatic bread line.

Production of baguettes, 1/2 baguettes, 1/3 baguettes, 1/4 baguettes on the FlexiLine 2.5 automatic brad line.

Machines associées

automatic dough piece in-line deposit in semi-industrial bakeries
Conveyors & automatic loading systems

I-shaped automatic loading system

In-line deposits are particularly suitable for immediate or future connection to the MecaRacks system.

automatic loading intermediate proofer for dough pieces resting

The Mecaform Industry is the first choice proofer for MERAND semi-automatic bread lines to get increased productivity. Its different systems improve the regularity and quality of the final products.
Up to 672 pockets in total.
Dough pieces up to 900g max.

industrial moulder for moulding baguettes and rolls in industrial bakeries

It is the largest moulder in the MERAND range, capable of producing up to 2 500 baguettes/h during several production sessions. Its touch screen and C2A (Assisted Elongation Control) system give it great flexibility, and offer optimum bread regularity and quality.
Dough pieces from 50g to 2 000g.

volumetric weigher-divider with pressure hopper for dough division

The Softy divider can ensure high dividing rates, up to 2700 pieces/h. Its robustness and reliability make it the perfect divider for feeding semi-industrial production lines.

eccentric rounder for final dough pieces rounder after resting

Its movements are similar to manual rounding, and ensure great respect for the dough and excellent results, even with very hydrated or fermented doughs.
Up to 1 800 pieces/h.
Dough pieces from 75g to 4000g.

rounder-moulder for dough pieces rounding and short loaves moulding

The Roller Dual incorporates the characteristics of the RotaBall eccentric rounder but additionally has a moulder.
Up to 1 800 pieces/h.
Dough pieces from 75g to 4000g.

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