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Gluten Free 1.5 automatic line

Automatic line for gluten free bread
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This line is suitable for the production of gluten-free baguettes, but also breads, sticks ans country balls.

It is equipped with an automatic divider whose hopper can be fed by a tank lift. In order to avoid sticking and to obtain good regularity in the weights, a large number of modifications have been made compared to the standard version. 

There is no expansion chamber, but the automatic balancer is replaced by a transfer belt to an equally modified shaper. This automatic line can produce up to 1500 gluten-free baguettes or loaves per hour.

Machines associées

horizontal moulder for moulding traditional and point ended baguettes

The Armor Allonge+ model, like the Armor HV model, has a stainless steel body, a reinforced transmission and a feeding belt. Its upper extension is, however, carried out by means of a motorised belt, allowing a greater extension of the dough pieces.
Up to 1 800 pieces/h.
Dough pieces from 50g to 2 000g.

foldable conveyor belt for the automatic line
Conveyors & automatic loading systems

Conveyor RheoPan WorkBelt

Positioned at the exit of the dividing or rounding machine to convey the dough pieces to other modules or to allow the dough pieces to be worked manually thanks to the 2 lateral working shelves.

volumetric automatic divider weigher with open hopper

The Lofty divider can automatically divide dough pieces for breads and baguettes from 1 000 to 2 400 pieces/h. Its hopper with a capacity of approximately 200kg of dough gives the possibility of pouring a complete kneader into it. It is the basis of most MERAND automatic groups.

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+33 (0)2 99 04 15 30 Contact us

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