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Armor horizontal moulder

Craft bakeries
  • Could you introduce yourself and your business in a few words ? 

 My name is Fermin Albert, and I'm the co-manager and owner of the "Marcus Antonius eten en drinken" restaurant in Beneden-Leuween, Holland. I used to work in marketing and product development, and then I wanted to move into the bakery to do some rebranding work on this establishment and continue doing product development but this time in the bakery. I learned a lot on my own. 

  • Why did you decide to buy a machine ? 

 I found the options very interesting and unique, and I knew that I'd be able to increase my production while maintaining consistent, artisanal quality on my products, which was essential for me. I didn't want my products to have an industrial look. 

  • What constraints did you face before buying the machine ? 

 It was getting tedious doing everything by hand, and I needed to lighten up. I also knew that doing things by hand would prevent me from developing my business in the future and having regular, high-quality products.

  • What were the main criteria for choosing the machine ?

I wanted a machine that would be versatile and complete, and that would enable me to maintain this artisanal quality. For me, the Armor moulder ticks all these things.

  • How was the Merand machine better than the competition ?

It seemed more reliable, more solid, and I liked the visual aspect of the machine. It naturally inspired confidence. I must also say that the handmade aspect was the number 1 argument for me.

  • What results did you achieve using the machine ? 

 I haven't used the machine very much yet. As you can see from the photos, it's almost new. But the first results are very satisfying, the products are regular and the loaves are well honeycombed.

  • Would you recommend this machine to your fellow bakers ? 

 When I have something good, I tend to keep it to myself ! (laughs) But the machine suits me, so yes.

This equipment project was carried out in collaboration with the company Spronk, a long-time partner of MERAND in the Netherlands. We would like to thank Mr Fermin Albert for his trust and time he gave us. and also to the entire Spronk team for their support.

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