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RollerDual eccentric rounder & moulder

Wholesale bakeries

Company: bakery-pastry Krusty Loaf 
Takeover date: 1987
Activity: industrial bakery-pastry
Market: Holt and Norfolk (UK)
Finished products:  traditional breads, specialty breads, breakfast goods, savories, confectionary and filled rolls....

Krusty Loaf has been a family run business for over thirty years. Currently, it is in its second generation under the leadership of Nick Henry.

In addition to a retail shop in Holt (UK), the bakery operates a wholesale service supplying kitchens and businesses throughout Norfolk (UK). It offers a large range of products on daily basis which includes traditional breads, specialty breads, breakfast goods, savories, confectionary and filled rolls.

Almost one year ago, the company decided to invest in the eccentric rounder-moulder Roller Dual MERAND. Nick Henry agreed to tell us about his experience of working with MERAND's equipment:

“The demand for our specialty bread range was increasing. These products are more time consuming to handle due to their high water content. The volume of breads to mould by hand had reached a point where we needed to consider employing another member of staff. That then brings with it training and consistency issues. So we started looking for a machine that would solve all of this, a machine that would speed up the process but not detract from the quality we wanted to achieve. Most importantly for us was that a new machine had to be able to handle doughs with a high water content with the rounding and long loaf molding capabilities. That is why we decided to buy the eccentric rounder-moulder RollerDual by MERAND, as this machine is able to long loaf mould the dough to the dimensions we required on a consistent basis. With this machine we are now able to produce the batches of 120 sourdough breads in 15 minutes which used to take over an hour. In addition we are very happy with the quality of the breads we get. We would certainly recommend this machine”.

We are grateful to Nick Henry and all the Krusty Loaf’s team for this feedback.


Need more information?

+33 (0)2 99 04 15 30 Contact us

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